About Parenting Toddlers

Hi, welcome to Parenting Toddlers! My name is Charis-Jo , a mother of two young children. It is not an easy task being a mother and sometimes I think working in the corporate world is much easier than being a mother. But, of course, the joy of seeing your child grow up surpasses all the headaches and heartaches.

It is my hope that parents of young children will be able to benefit from the experiences and tips I compiled here and be more prepared in dealing with various circumstances with regards to their children. Please note that all the articles here are based on personal experiences and to be used as a reference only. Use of the website is at the sole risk of the user.

I will be adding in articles and new tips from time to time, so do remember to check back here occasionally. If you would like to discuss any particular topic, you can contact me via the form below and we can exchange ideas and experiences about our children.

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