Parenting Magazine Subscription

There are various parenting magazine subscription available today which provides parents with plenty of resources to assist them in their role as parents.

The following are some magazines that provide useful information for parents with children of different ages :

For the Working Parent

Working Mother is the only magazine that offers emotional, intellectual, and practical support to women who have made the decision to raise a family while pursuing their personal growth and career goals. The magazine provides positive, realistic advice about working, child care and development, family nutrition and well-being, fashion and beauty, and career options.

Parenting Advice and Tips

This parenting magazine publishes scientific information on child development to inform parents who wish to raise their children in the healthiest ways possible. It focuses on child health, safety, behavior, education and more. Each issue contains advice and information written by trusted pediatricians.

Embracing your Individuality

O, The Oprah Magazine is the resource that confident, smart women need to explore their potential and realize their dreams. O, The Oprah Magazine helps women embrace their individual style and make choices that lead to a richer, more fulfilling life.

Family Fun and Living

Family Circle provides contemporary moms, teens and their families with great ideas about everyday living. Lots of useful and insightful high quality content for moms, including everyday quick and easy recipes, meal planning, fat-fighting, healthy eating, comfort foods, grilling, slow cooking, crafts, holiday DIY decorating, entertaining and special occasion seasonal get togethers. Every issue contains solidly researched articles about family activities, organizing, green living, cleaning, saving time and money, travel, pets, relationships, beauty, fashion, health, fitness, emotional health, relationships, weight loss and walking. Quality content for teens offers insightful advice about jobs, dating, sex, college prep and more. 

This is a guide for getting maximum enjoyment from family life for involved parents of children ages 3-12. Its feature articles provide ideas for recreational activities for the home or car, travel and vacation tips (including airline and hotel information), craft ideas and educational toys which can be used at home.

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