How to choose Age Appropriate Child Games

Using the appropriate child games is important as young children learns through playing. By choosing the right games, your child will develop the right values that you hope they will learn. As children play with toys or games, with other children or even with adults, they acquire and improve the skills necessary for formal learning in later stages of their lives.

Do select games or toys based on your child's interests and developmental needs. Any games selected should be designed for interaction, keeping children engaged in the ways they learn best - through seeing and hearing, touching and trying. 

Here are some guidelines on the type of games and toys that are appropriate for the different age groups:

Below 12 months

At this stage, you would consider providing games that develops eye-hand coordination, motor skills and recognition of animals, objects, colors, shapes and numbers. 

12 to 24 months

Start introducing activities that are done in sequence and those that will increase attention span. Your toddler can now play games that requires him/her to follow simple directions. Let your child learn to match things that go together as he/she starts to recognise letters, numbers, colors and shapes. This is also a good time for the children to learn to make music.

2 Years and Up

As your child grows, provide them with activities that develop self-confidence, encourage thinking skills and those that strengthens social skills. Continue to fine tune their motor skills and expand their vocabulary. You can also play games that helps strengthens their memory skills.

The following are some examples of toys and games to develop the different aspects of your child:

  • Development of Eye-hand coordination and motor skills - stacking toys, shapes sorter, activity links gym, pounding toys, lacing toys and pull toys
  • Thinking and Creative skills - Legos, building blocks, art materials, play dough, gears, puppets and dress ups or props
  • Mathematical thinking skills - Monopoly, construction toys, pretend & play calculator cash register
  • Logical deductive skills - Clue, checkers
  • Imagination - pretend play, dollhouses
  • Problem solving skills - puzzles, brain teasers
  • Development of self-confidence - roller skates, scooter
  • Strengthening of social skills - pretend play with other children, sports
  • Physical fitness - sports, hula hoop, Gymnic Hop Ball

Other related topics on child games :

Simple child games and activities for travelling that will keep children occupied on a long trip 

Popular child party games with full description on how to play

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