Block toys has evolved over time and you can now find variety of blocks that seeks to develop a child in a most comprehensive way.
For example, Peek-a-Blocks (from Fisher Price) brings a world of discovery into the palm of a baby’s hand with baby-sized blocks. Inside the colourful blocks, objects of various shapes and small toy animals are slotted. The objects can move around as well as heave out fun sounds.
Beyond the basic improved coordination and confidence building benefits of traditional stack-and-tumble block play, these blocks helps develop baby’s sensory perception and cognitive abilities, thinking and problem solving, as well as discovery and exploration.
Peek-a-Blocks has more than 50 individual blocks that help guide children through different areas of discovery.
The Sensory blocks introduce child to touch, sound and sight sensations.
Discovery block toys let children create patterns, discover counting and fractions, build arches and more in the bath.
Peek-a-Blocks 2-in-1 Activity Wagon, for instance, creates delightful lights, music and silly sound effects when a child walk and pull along the wagon.
The Tumblin’ Giraffe comes with five Zoo Friends block. Each time the child drop a block down the giraffe’s long neck, they will be rewarded with music and exciting sounds.
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